• House# 37, Street# 3, District# 5 Nearby Dawat University-Khushal Khan Kabul Afghanistan

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Organization for Coordination of Humanitarian Relief

OCHR strives to unleash the potential of disadvantaged groups to succeed in life through provision of education, health, social protection, livelihood skills and community development services.

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OCHR Implemented 25 Projects in WASH

OCHR has reached 178548 households (1249836 Individuals) with water supply, hygiene promotion, sanitation, WASH in School, Community, and Health Facilities.

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OCHR implemented 23 projects in Food

OCHR has reached to 68411 Households consisting of 478877 individuals under Food Security, Agriculture and Nutrition.

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What we do

Since 2015, OCHR has implemented 25 projects in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector, significantly enhancing the quality of life for numerous communities.

OCHR has successfully implemented 20 projects in the Food Security and Nutrition sector, reaching 68,411 households and benefiting 478,877 individuals.

In the Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES/NFI) sector, OCHR has implemented nine projects during 2022 and 2023, reaching 36,500 households and benefiting 255,500 individuals.

The 40 years conflict besides other devastating consequences has considerably spoiled the education system of Afghanistan. With 9 million children in schools by now, the

Despite of billions of dollars poured into aid since 2001, Afghanistan health system still struggles to provide its people with basic right to health. For sure, Afghanistan is one of the most...

Internal displacement of more than one million people and inadequate protection services particularly in remote and conflict zones there is a widespread failure to promote...

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Organization for Coordination Of Humanitarian Relief

OCHR is a national humanitarian development NGO established in Afghanistan in 2015 to play a vital role in humanitarian and development settings, and to contribute towards peacebuilding in the country where the people can live in amity and harmony. In humanitarian situations emerging as result of conflict or natural disasters, natural, the response encompasses the provision of tools and resources i.e. to reduces the suffering and increase self-sufficiency. Our approach includes sustainable development, focusing on the ultra-poor communities of Afghanistan.

  • We Rise By Lifting Others


OCHR Activities in Afghanistan

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Water Sanitation and Hygiene


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Food Security


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Health Program


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Winterization Response


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Education Programs



OCHR work closely with our international partners, local government and various UN agencies. Our collaboration with our partners is based on approaches to work together in humanitarian and development settings to improve the effectiveness and expertise of the programs across Afghanistan.


Latest News & Update.

30 May 2024

Emergency in-kind food and livestock assistance to IPC Phase 3+ vulnerable people in Kamdesh and Barg-e-Matal districts of Nuristan province

Abdul Wahab is one of the project beneficiaries from Gharbi Barg-e-Matal village in Nuristan Province.…

15 Apr 2024

Emergency Winterization In-kind Food Response in Nuristan Province.

Provision of emergency in-kind food packages to 4000 shock affected IPC 3 and 4 households…


Community Resilience Interventions


Individuals Reached
in the WASH sector


Individuals Reached
in the FSAC Sector


Individuals Reached
in the ES/NFI Sector


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